Tuesday, 13 November 2018

Time to Renew Your Garage With Epoxy Garage Floor Coating

The epoxy floor coating is becoming quite popular because of its strength and durability. This type of floor coating can lasts up to several years, sometimes even decades and offers maximum protection. The epoxy garage floor coating requires minimal maintenance and the cost is not too high also. Not only this type of flooring is resistant to corrosion, cracks and stains but it also provides valuable looks to your garage. It is much better than the uncovered concrete floors which do not have any guarantee. So it’s time to renew your garage with the epoxy coating.

If you really wish to provide you garage a newer and precious look then you can go for DIY epoxy garage floor coating; but doing it yourself will require complete know how about the material and how it is used. Firstly you should know about what epoxy garage floor coating is and then you can go and buy DIY kits available in the market. It is easily available at any hardware store.

The material “Epoxy” is actually a thermosetting resin which is applied in the form of a coating. It’s not paint. The epoxy resin is mixed with polymer hardener in the suggested quantities and then it is used. A chemical reaction takes place within the two materials and the resultant material is used for DIY garage floor coating.

How to use the DIY epoxy garage floor

Follow the steps below for a perfect epoxy garage floor coating:

Clear the floor of the garage thoroughly to apply the epoxy coating evenly. There shouldn’t be any kind of dirt or debris on the floor; this will ensure that pain is absorbed by the cement and the garage floor will end up looking smoother and shinier.

Some DIY garage floor coating kits provide a chemical named as concrete solution which has to be applied as the first coat before applying epoxy. This chemical will make the epoxy paint stick nicely on the floor. Some kits also provide a primer which is used after the application of concrete solution. If it’s present it’s great but if it’s not in the pack it means you will need more amount of the epoxy floor coating to give your garage floor a more finished look.

Finally when you come to apply the epoxy garage floor coating, remember to apply minimum three coatings for a perfect finish. It all depends on how much you use your garage. If you have more than one car or vehicle, it means the floor has to undergo more stress, therefore minimum three coats are recommended.

Maintenance of the Epoxy floor coating

Every precious thing has to be provided with special care and attention. They say that there is very low maintenance required for the epoxy coatings, it is not true up to extent. If you are totally careless about its maintenance it won’t lasts for very long and you will have to re-pain the floor. If it is maintained properly according to the instructions it can be retained for several years.